Source code for

Converts data from brat to con. Enter input and output directories as command line arguments.
Each '.ann' file must have a '.txt' file in the same directory with the same name, minus the extension.
Use '-c' (without quotes) as an optional final command-line argument to copy the text files used
in the conversion process to the output directory.

Also possible to import 'convert_brat_to_con()' directly and pass the paths to the ann and txt files
for individual conversion.

:author: Steele W. Farnsworth
:date: 30 December, 2018

from sys import argv as cmd_arg
from re import split
import os
import shutil

[docs]def check_valid_line(item: str): """Returns a boolean value for whether or not a given line is in the BRAT format. Tests are not comprehensive.""" if not isinstance(item, str): return False elif '\t' not in item: return False elif item == "": return False elif item.startswith("#"): return False else: return True
[docs]def line_to_dict(item): """ Converts a string that is a line in brat format to a dictionary representation of that data. Keys are: T; data_type; start_ind; end_ind; data_type. :param item: The line of con text (str). :return: The dictionary containing that data. """ split1 = split("\t", item) split2 = split(" ", split1[1]) split3 = [split1[0]] + split2 + [split1[2]] s = [i.rstrip() for i in split3] # remove whitespace return {"T": s[0], "data_type": s[1], "start_ind": int(s[2]), "end_ind": int(s[3]), "data_item": s[4]}
[docs]def switch_extension(name, ext): """ Primarily for internal use. Takes the name of a file (str) and changes the extension to the one provided (str) """ return os.path.splitext(name)[0] + ext
[docs]def find_line_num(text_, start): """ :param text_: The text of the file, ex. :param start: The index at which the desired text starts :return: The line index (starting at 0) containing the given start index """ return text_[:int(start)].count("\n")
[docs]def get_relative_index(text_: str, line_, absolute_index): """ Takes the index of a phrase (the phrase itself is not a parameter) relative to the start of its file and returns its index relative to the start of the line that it's on. Assumes that the line_ argument is long enough that (and thus so specific that) it only occurs once. :param text_: The text of the file, not separated by lines :param line_: The text of the line being searched for :param absolute_index: The index of a given phrase :return: The index of the phrase relative to the start of the line """ line_index = text_.index(line_) return int(absolute_index) - line_index
[docs]def get_end_word_index(data_item: str, start_index, end_index): """Returns the index of the first char of the last word of data_item_; all parameters shadow the appropriate name in the final for loop""" words = split(" ", data_item) if words.__len__() == 1: return start_index # If there's only one word, the start of the first word is the start of the last word else: last_word = words[-1] return end_index - last_word.__len__()
[docs]def convert_brat_to_con(brat_file_path, text_file_path=None): """ Takes a path to a brat file and returns a string representation of that file converted to the con format. :param brat_file_path: The path to the brat file; not the file itself. If the path is not valid, the argument will be assumed to be text of the brat file itself. :param text_file_path: The path to the text file; if not provided, assumed to be a file with the same path as the brat file ending in '.txt' instead of '.ann'. If neither file is found, raises error. :return: A string (not a file) of the con equivalent of the brat file. """ # By default, find txt file with equivalent name if text_file_path is None: text_file_path = switch_extension(brat_file_path, ".txt") if not os.path.isfile(text_file_path): raise FileNotFoundError("No text file path was provided and no matching text file was found in the input" " directory") with open(text_file_path, 'r') as text_file: text = text_lines = text.split('\n') # Otherwise open the file with the path passed to the function elif os.path.isfile(text_file_path): with open(text_file_path, 'r') as text_file: text = text_lines = text.split('\n') else: raise FileNotFoundError("No text file path was provided or the file was not found." " Note that direct string input of the source text is not supported.") # If con_file_path is actually a path, open it and split it into lines if os.path.isfile(brat_file_path): with open(brat_file_path, 'r') as brat_file: brat_text = brat_text_lines = brat_text.split('\n') else: # Else, read whatever string is passed to the function as if it were the file itself brat_text = brat_file_path brat_text_lines = brat_text.split('\n') output_lines = "" # This value will be appended for line in brat_text_lines: if not check_valid_line(line): continue d = line_to_dict(line) start_line_num = find_line_num(text, d["start_ind"]) start_char_num = get_relative_index(text, text_lines[start_line_num], d["start_ind"]) start_str = str(start_line_num + 1) + ':' + str(start_char_num) # Note that the end word has an extra calculation because the index of the first char # of the last word is what is needed, not the last char of the last word. end_line_num = find_line_num(text, d["end_ind"]) end_char_num = get_relative_index(text, text_lines[end_line_num], d["end_ind"]) end_word_num = get_end_word_index(d["data_item"], start_char_num, end_char_num) end_str = str(end_line_num + 1) + ':' + str(end_word_num) con_line = "c=\"%s\" %s %s||t=\"%s\"\n" % (d["data_item"], start_str, end_str, d['data_type']) output_lines += con_line return output_lines
if __name__ == '__main__': # Get the input and output directories from the command line. if not cmd_arg.__len__() >= 3: # Command-line arguments must be provided for the input and output directories. # Else, prints instructions and aborts the program. print("Please run the program again, entering the input and output directories as command-line arguments" " in that order. Optionally, enter '-c' as a final command line argument if you want to copy" " the text files used in the conversion over to the output directory.") exit() try: input_dir_name = cmd_arg[1] input_dir = os.listdir(input_dir_name) except FileNotFoundError: # dir doesn't exist while not os.path.isdir(input_dir_name): input_dir_name = input("Input directory not found; please try another directory:") input_dir = os.listdir(input_dir_name) try: output_dir_name = cmd_arg[2] output_dir = os.listdir(output_dir_name) except FileNotFoundError: while not os.path.isdir(output_dir_name): output_dir_name = input("Output directory not found; please try another directory:") output_dir = os.listdir(output_dir_name) # Create a list of only the .txt files in the input directory text_files = [f for f in input_dir if f.endswith(".txt")] # Create a list of all .ann files in the input directory that have a txt equivalent ann_files = [f for f in input_dir if f.endswith(".ann") and switch_extension(f, ".txt") in text_files] for input_file_name in ann_files: full_file_path = os.path.join(input_dir_name, input_file_name) output_file_name = switch_extension(input_file_name, ".con") content = convert_brat_to_con(full_file_path) with open(os.path.join(output_dir_name, output_file_name), "a+") as output_file: output_file.write(content) # Paste all the text files used in the conversion process to the output directory # if there's a fourth command line argument and that argument is -c if cmd_arg.__len__() == 4 and cmd_arg[3] == "-c": text_files_with_match = [f for f in text_files if switch_extension(f, ".ann") in ann_files] for f in text_files_with_match: full_name = os.path.join(input_dir_name, f) shutil.copy(full_name, output_dir_name)