Source code for medacy.pipelines.base.base_pipeline

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from ...pipeline_components.base import BaseComponent

[docs]class BasePipeline(ABC): """ An abstract wrapper for a Medical NER Pipeline """ def __init__(self,pipeline_name, spacy_pipeline=None, description=None, creators="", organization=""): """ Initializes a pipeline :param pipeline_name: The name of the pipeline :param spacy_pipeline: the corresponding spacy pipeline (language) to utilize. :param description: a description of the pipeline :param creator: the creator of the pipeline :param organization: the organization the pipeline creator belongs to """ self.pipeline_name = pipeline_name self.spacy_pipeline = spacy_pipeline self.description = description self.creators = creators self.organization = organization
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_tokenizer(self): """ Returns an instance of a tokenizer :return: """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_learner(self): """ Retrieves an instance of a sci-kit learn compatible learning algorithm. :return: model """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_feature_extractor(self): """ Returns an instant of FeatureExtractor with all configs set. :return: An instant of FeatureExtractor """ pass
[docs] def get_language_pipeline(self): """ Retrieves the associated spaCy Language pipeline that the medaCy pipeline wraps. :return: spacy_pipeline """ return self.spacy_pipeline
[docs] def add_component(self, component, *argv, **kwargs): """ Adds a given component to pipeline :param component: a subclass of BaseComponent """ current_components = [component_name for component_name, proc in self.spacy_pipeline.pipeline] #print("Current Components:", current_components) dependencies = [x for x in component.dependencies] #print("Dependencies:",dependencies) assert not in current_components, "%s is already in the pipeline." % for dependent in dependencies: assert dependent in current_components, "%s depends on %s but it hasn't been added to the pipeline" % (component, dependent) self.spacy_pipeline.add_pipe(component(self.spacy_pipeline, *argv, **kwargs))
[docs] def get_components(self): """ Retrieves a listing of all components currently in the pipeline. :return: a list of components inside the pipeline. """ return [component_name for component_name, _ in self.spacy_pipeline.pipeline if component_name != 'ner']
def __call__(self, doc, predict=False): """ Passes a single document through the pipeline. All relevant document attributes should be set prior to this call. :param self: :param doc: the document to annotate over :return: the annotated document """ for component_name, proc in self.spacy_pipeline.pipeline: if predict and component_name == "gold_annotator": continue doc = proc(doc) if component_name == 'ner': # remove labeled default entities doc.ents = [] return doc
[docs] def get_pipeline_information(self): """ Retrieves information about the current pipeline in a structured dictionary :return: a json dictionary containing information """ information = { 'components': [component_name for component_name, _ in self.spacy_pipeline.pipeline if component_name != 'ner'], #ner is the default ner component of spacy that is not utilized. 'learner_name': self.get_learner()[0], 'description': self.description, 'pipeline_name': self.pipeline_name, 'pipeline_creators': self.creators, 'pipeline_creator_organization': self.organization } return information