Source code for medacy.pipeline_components.units.time_unit_component

from spacy.tokens import Token
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
from spacy.tokens import Span
from ..base import BaseComponent

[docs]class TimeUnitComponent(BaseComponent): """ A pipeline component that tags time units """ name="time_unit_annotator" dependencies = [] def __init__(self, spacy_pipeline): self.nlp = spacy_pipeline Token.set_extension('feature_is_time_unit', default=False) self.nlp.entity.add_label('time_unit') self.time_matcher = Matcher(self.nlp.vocab) self.time_matcher.add('UNIT_OF_TIME', None, [{'LOWER': 'sec'}], [{'LOWER': 'second'}], [{'LOWER': 'seconds'}], [{'LOWER': 'min'}], [{'LOWER': 'minute'}], [{'LOWER': 'minutes'}], [{'LOWER': 'hr'}], [{'LOWER': 'hour'}], [{'LOWER': 'day'}], [{'LOWER': 'days'}], [{'LOWER': 'week'}], [{'LOWER': 'weeks'}], [{'LOWER': 'month'}], [{'LOWER': 'months'}], [{'LOWER': 'year'}], [{'LOWER': 'years'}], [{'LOWER': 'yrs'}] ) def __call__(self, doc): nlp = self.nlp with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer: # match and tag time units matches = self.time_matcher(doc) for match_id, start, end in matches: span = Span(doc, start, end, label=nlp.vocab.strings['time_unit']) for token in span: token._.feature_is_time_unit = True if len(span) > 1: retokenizer.merge(span) doc.ents = list(doc.ents) + [span] return doc