Source code for medacy.pipeline_components.metamap.metamap_component

from medacy.pipeline_components.metamap.metamap import MetaMap
from spacy.tokens import Token
from ..base import BaseComponent
import warnings,logging

[docs]class MetaMapComponent(BaseComponent): """ A pipeline component for SpaCy that overlays Metamap output as token attributes """ name = "metamap_annotator" dependencies = [] def __init__(self, spacy_pipeline, metamap, cuis=True, semantic_type_labels = ['orch', 'phsu'], merge_tokens=False): """ Initializes a pipeline component that annotates MetaMap output onto a spacy doc object. :param spacy_pipeline: an instance of a spacy language pipeline. :param metamap: an instance of MetaMap. :param cuis: Overlay CUIS from metamap output - one feature taking on multiple categorical values representing cuis. :param semantic_type_labels: Semantic type labels to check for- generates a feature for each semantic type label. """ super().__init__(, self.dependencies) self.nlp = spacy_pipeline assert isinstance(metamap, MetaMap), "MetamapComponent requires a MetaMap instance as an argument." self.metamap = metamap self.cuis = cuis self.semantic_type_labels = semantic_type_labels self.merge_tokens = merge_tokens def __call__(self, doc): """ Runs a document to the metamap_annotator pipeline component. This overlays rich medical features by utilizing MetaMap output and aligning it with a passed spacy Doc object. By medaCy conventions, each overlayed feature is available as a token extension starting with 'feature_'. This component overlays 'feature_cui' and a separate boolean feature for each semantic type to detect available under 'feature_is_{type}". This component was originally designed to increase recall on Drug entities hence by default 'feature_is_orch' and 'feature_is_phsu' where orch and phsu are semantic types corresponding to organic chemicals and pharmalogical substances respectively. :param doc: document to run through pipeline :return: """ logging.debug("Called MetaMap Component") metamap = self.metamap nlp = self.nlp semantic_type_labels = self.semantic_type_labels #register all extensions if self.cuis: Token.set_extension('feature_cui', default="-1", force=True) #cui feature for semantic_type_label in semantic_type_labels: #is_semantic type features Token.set_extension('feature_is_' + semantic_type_label, default=False, force=True) #check if pre-metamapped file has been assigned to the document if hasattr(doc._, 'metamapped_file'): metamap_dict = metamap.load(doc._.metamapped_file) else: if hasattr(doc._, 'file_name'): logging.debug("%s: Could not find metamap file for document." % doc._.file_name) metamap_dict = metamap.map_text(doc.text) #TODO metamap.map_text is broken currently if not hasattr(doc._, 'file_name'): #TODO REMOVE when implemnting live model prediction return doc # TODO refactor second part of if statement when implementing live model prediction if metamap_dict == '' or metamap_dict['metamap'] is None: if hasattr(doc._, 'metamapped_file'): warnings.warn("%s: This metamap file is invalid and cannot be parsed in MetaMapComponent: %s \n Ignore this warning if this is a unittest - all may be fine." % (doc._.file_name,doc._.metamapped_file)) else: warnings.warn("Metamapping text on the fly failed - aborting. Try to pre-metamap with DataLoader.") return doc mapped_terms = metamap.extract_mapped_terms(metamap_dict) #parse terms out of mappings dictionary spans = [] #for displaying NER output with displacy #Overlays semantic type presence if the given semantic type is set in metamap span. for semantic_type_label in semantic_type_labels: entity_name = semantic_type_label nlp.entity.add_label(entity_name) #register entity label entity_tags = metamap.get_term_by_semantic_type(mapped_terms, include=[semantic_type_label]) entity_annotations = metamap.mapped_terms_to_spacy_ann(entity_tags, semantic_type_label) with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer: for start, end, label in [entity_annotations['entities'][key] for key in entity_annotations['entities'].keys()]: span = doc.char_span(start, end, label=nlp.vocab.strings[entity_name]) #TODO spans are none when indices and token boundaries don't line up. if span not in spans: if span is not None: logging.debug("Found from metamap: (label=%s,raw_text=\"%s\",location=(%i, %i))" % (label,span.text, start, end ) ) spans.append(span) for token in span: token._.set('feature_is_' + label, True) if self.merge_tokens: try: retokenizer.merge(span) except BaseException: continue else: logging.debug("Metamap span could not be overlayed due to tokenization mis-match: (%i, %i)" % (start, end)) #adds labels for displaying NER output with displacy. # for span in spans: # try: # doc.ents = list(doc.ents) + [span] # except ValueError as error: # logging.warning(str(error)) #This gets called when the same token may match multiple semantic types #Overlays CUI of each term if Token.has_extension('feature_cui'): with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer: for term in mapped_terms: cui = term['CandidateCUI'] start, end = metamap.get_span_by_term(term)[0] span = doc.char_span(start, end) if span is not None: for token in span: token._.set('feature_cui', cui) if self.merge_tokens: try: retokenizer.merge(span) except BaseException: continue return doc