Source code for medacy.pipeline_components.metamap.metamap

A utility class to Metamap medical text documents.
Metamap a file  and utilize it the output or manipulate stored metamap output

import subprocess
import xmltodict
import json
import tempfile, os, warnings

from import UNICODE_TO_ASCII

[docs]class MetaMap: def __init__(self, metamap_path=None, cache_output = False, cache_directory = None, convert_ascii=True): """ A python wrapper for metamap that includes built in caching of metamap output. :param cache_output: Whether to cache output as it run through metamap, will by default store in a temp directory tmp/medacy*/ :param cache_directory: alternatively, specify a directory to cache metamapped files to :param metamap_path: The location of the metamap executable. (ex. /home/share/programs/metamap/2016/public_mm/bin/metamap) """ if metamap_path is None: raise ValueError("metamap_path is not set. Insure Metamap is running and a path to the metamap executable is being given (ex. metamap/2016/public_mm/bin/metamap)") if cache_output: if cache_directory is None: #set cache directory to tmp directory, creating if not exists tmp = tempfile.gettempdir() files = [filename for filename in os.listdir(tmp) if filename.startswith("medacy")] if files: cache_directory = os.path.join(tmp,files[0]) else: tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="medacy") cache_directory = os.path.join(tmp, tmp_dir) self.cache_directory = cache_directory self.metamap_path = metamap_path self.convert_ascii = convert_ascii
[docs] def map_file(self, file_to_map, max_prune_depth=10): """ Maps a given document from a file_path and returns a formatted dict :param file_to_map: the path of the file that will be metamapped :param max_prune_depth: set to larger for better results. See metamap specs about pruning depth. :return: """ self.recent_file = file_to_map if self.cache_directory is not None: #look up file if exists, otherwise continue metamapping cached_file_path = os.path.join( self.cache_directory, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_to_map))[0] + ".metamapped" ) if os.path.exists(cached_file_path): print(cached_file_path) return self.load(cached_file_path) try: with open(file_to_map, 'r') as file: contents = except: raise FileNotFoundError("Error opening file while attempting to map: %s" % file_to_map) metamap_dict = self._run_metamap('--XMLf --blanklines 0 --silent --prune %i' % max_prune_depth, contents) if self.cache_directory is not None: with open(cached_file_path, 'w') as mapped_file: try: #print("Writing to", os.path.join(self.cache_directory, file_name)) mapped_file.write(json.dumps(metamap_dict)) except Exception as e: mapped_file.write(str(e)) return metamap_dict
[docs] def map_text(self, text, max_prune_depth=10): #TODO add caching here as in map_file #An example of this cachine is available in the map_file self.metamap_dict = self._run_metamap('--XMLf --blanklines 0 --silent --prune %i' % max_prune_depth, text) return self.metamap_dict
[docs] def load(self, file_to_load): with open(file_to_load, 'r') as f: return json.load(f)
[docs] def map_corpus(self, documents, directory=None, n_job=-1): """ Metamaps a large amount of files quickly by forking processes and utilizing multiple cores :param documents: an array of documents to map :param directory: location to map all files :param n_job: number of cores to utilize at once while mapping - this may use a large amount of memory :return: """ raise NotImplementedError() #TODO implement utilizing code for parallel process mapper from n2c2
[docs] def _run_metamap(self, args, document): """ Runs metamap through bash and feeds in appropriate arguments :param args: arguments to feed into metamap :param document: the raw text to be metamapped :return: """ if self.convert_ascii: document, ascii_diff = self._convert_to_ascii(document) bashCommand = 'bash %s %s' % (self.metamap_path, args) process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = process.communicate(input=bytes(document, 'UTF-8')) output = str(output.decode('utf-8')) xml = "" for line in output.split("\n")[1:]: if 'DOCTYPE' not in line and 'xml' not in line: xml += line+'\n' xml = "<metamap>\n" + xml + "</metamap>" # surround in single root tag - hacky. xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<!DOCTYPE MMOs PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD MetaMap Machine Output//EN" "">\n'+xml if output is None: raise Exception("An error occured while using metamap: %s" % error) metamap_dict = xmltodict.parse(xml) if self.convert_ascii: document, metamap_dict = self._restore_from_ascii(document, ascii_diff, metamap_dict) return metamap_dict
[docs] def _item_generator(self, json_input, lookup_key): if isinstance(json_input, dict): for k, v in json_input.items(): if k == lookup_key: yield v else: yield from self._item_generator(v, lookup_key) elif isinstance(json_input, list): for item in json_input: yield from self._item_generator(item, lookup_key)
[docs] def extract_mapped_terms(self, metamap_dict): """ Extracts an array of term dictionaries from metamap_dict :param metamap_dict: A dictionary containing the metamap output :return: an array of mapped_terms """ if metamap_dict['metamap'] is None: warnings.warn("Metamap output is none for a file in the pipeline. Exiting.") return utterances = metamap_dict['metamap']['MMOs']['MMO']['Utterances']['Utterance'] mapped_terms = [] mapped_terms = list(self._item_generator(metamap_dict, 'Candidate')) all_terms = [] for term in mapped_terms: if isinstance(term, dict): all_terms.append(term) if isinstance(term, list): all_terms = all_terms + term return all_terms
[docs] def mapped_terms_to_spacy_ann(self, mapped_terms, entity_label=None): """ Transforms an array of mapped_terms in a spacy annotation object. Label for each annotation defaults to first semantic type in semantic_type array :param mapped_terms: an array of mapped terms :param label: the label to assign to each annotation, defaults to first semantic type of mapped_term :return: a annotation formatted to spacy's specifications """ annotations = {'entities': {}} count = 0 for term in mapped_terms: for span in self.get_span_by_term(term): #if a single entity corresonds to a disjunct span entity_start, entity_end = span if entity_label is None: annotations['entities'][count] = (entity_start, entity_end, self.get_semantic_types_by_term(term)[0]) else: annotations['entities'][count] = (entity_start, entity_end, entity_label) count+=1 return annotations
[docs] def get_term_by_semantic_type(self, mapped_terms, include=[], exclude=None): """ Returns Metamapped utterances that all contain a given set of semantic types found in include :param mapped_terms: An array of candidate dictionaries :return: the dictionaries that contain a term with all the semantic types in semantic_types """ if exclude is not None: intersection = set(include).intersection(exclude) if intersection: raise Exception("Include and exclude overlap with the following semantic types: "+", ".join(intersection)) matches = [] for term in mapped_terms: found_types = [] if int(term['SemTypes']['@Count']) == 0: continue if int(term['SemTypes']['@Count']) == 1: found_types.append(term['SemTypes']['SemType']) if int(term['SemTypes']['@Count']) > 1: found_types = term['SemTypes']['SemType'] if exclude is not None and set(exclude).issubset(set(found_types)): continue if set(include).issubset(set(found_types)): matches.append(term) return matches
[docs] def get_span_by_term(self,term): """ Takes a given utterance dictionary (term) and extracts out the character indices of the utterance :param term: The full dictionary corresponding to a metamap term :return: the span of the referenced term in the document """ if int(term['ConceptPIs']['@Count']) == 1: start = int(term['ConceptPIs']['ConceptPI']['StartPos']) length = int(term['ConceptPIs']['ConceptPI']['Length']) return [(start, start+length)] spans = [] for span in term['ConceptPIs']['ConceptPI']: start = int(span['StartPos']) length = int(span['Length']) spans.append((start, start+length)) return spans
[docs] def get_semantic_types_by_term(self, term): """ Returns an array of the semantic types of a given term :param term: :return: """ if int(term['SemTypes']['@Count']) == 1: return [term['SemTypes']['SemType']] return term['SemTypes']['SemType']
def __call__(self, file_path): """ Metamaps a file and returns an array of mapped terms from the file :param file_path: :return: array of mapped_terms """ metamap_dict = self.map_file(file_path) return self.extract_mapped_terms(metamap_dict)
[docs] def _convert_to_ascii(self, text): """Takes in a text string and converts it to ASCII, keeping track of each character change The changes are recorded in a list of objects, each object detailing the original non-ASCII character and the starting index and length of the replacement in the new string (keys ``original``, ``start``, and ``length``, respectively). Args: text (string): The text to be converted Returns: tuple: tuple containing: **text** (*string*): The converted text **diff** (*list*): Record of all ASCII conversions """ diff = list() offset = 0 for i, char in enumerate(text): if char in UNICODE_TO_ASCII and UNICODE_TO_ASCII[char] is not char: ascii = UNICODE_TO_ASCII[char] text = text[:i+offset] + ascii + text[i+1+offset:] diff.append({ 'start': i+offset, 'length': len(ascii), 'original': char }) offset += len(ascii) - len(char) return text, diff
[docs] def _restore_from_ascii(self, text, diff, metamap_dict): """Takes in non-ascii text and the list of changes made to it from the `convert()` function, as well as a dictionary of metamap taggings, converts the text back to its original state and updates the character spans in the metamap dict to match Arguments: text (string): Output of ``_convert_to_ascii()`` diff (list): Output of ``_convert_to_ascii()`` metamap_dict (dict): Dictionary of metamap information obtained from ``text`` Returns: tuple: tuple containing: **text** (*string*): The input with all of the changes listed in ``diff`` reversed **metamap_dict** (*dict*): The input with all of its character spans updated to reflect the changes to ``text`` """ offset = 0 for conv in diff: # Go through each recorded change to undo it & update metamap character spans accordingly conv_start = conv['start'] + offset conv_end = conv_start + conv['length']-1 # Ending index of converted span, INCLUSIVE # Undo the change to the text (restore ascii characters) text = text[:conv_start] + conv['original'] + text[conv_end+1:] delta = len(conv['original']) - conv['length'] offset += delta # Check each metamap entry and update its character spans to reflect this change for mapping in metamap_dict['metamap']['MMOs']['MMO']['Utterances']['Utterance']['Phrases']['Phrase']['Mappings']['Mapping']: for candidate in mapping['MappingCandidates']['Candidate']: match_start = int(candidate['ConceptPIs']['ConceptPI']['StartPos']) match_length = int(candidate['ConceptPIs']['ConceptPI']['Length']) match_end = match_start + match_length-1 if match_start == conv_start and match_end == conv_end: # If match is equal to conversion (a [conversion] and some text) # print("Perfect match") match_length += delta elif match_start < conv_start and match_end < conv_end: # If match intersects conversion on left ([a con]version and some text) # print("Left intersect") match_length += delta + conv_start elif conv_start < match_start and conv_end < match_end: # If match intersects conversion on right (a conver[sion and som]e text) # print("Right intersect ") if conv_end + delta < match_start: print(match_end, conv_end) match_start = conv_end + delta + 1 match_length = match_end - conv_end else: match_length += delta elif conv_end < match_start: # If match is totally to the right of the conversion (a conversion and a [match]) # print("Full right") match_start += delta else: # If match is totally to right of conversion, no action needed (a [match] and a conversion) # print("Full left") pass # Update metamap entry with new indices candidate['MatchedWords']['MatchedWord'] = text[match_start:match_end+1] candidate['ConceptPIs']['ConceptPI']['StartPos'] = str(match_start) candidate['ConceptPIs']['ConceptPI']['Length'] = str(match_length) return text, metamap_dict