Source code for medacy.pipeline_components.annotation.gold_annotator_component

from ..base import BaseComponent
from import Annotations
from spacy.tokens import Token
import logging

[docs]class GoldAnnotatorComponent(BaseComponent): #TODO CLEAN ME #TODO Look into spacy GoldParse #TODO This code really needs a fixing but it is bootstrapped to work from development """ A pipeline component that overlays gold annotations. This pipeline component sets the attribute 'gold_label' to all tokens to be used as the class value of the token when fed into a supervised learning algorithm. """ name = "gold_annotator" dependencies = [] def __init__(self, spacy_pipeline, labels): """ :param spacy_pipeline: An exisiting spacy Language processing pipeline :param labels: The subset of labels from the gold annotations to restrict labeling to. """ self.nlp = spacy_pipeline self.labels = labels self.failed_overlay_count = 0 self.failed_identifying_span_count = 0 Token.set_extension('gold_label', default="O", force=True)
[docs] def find_span(self, start, end, label, span, doc): """ Greedily searches characters around word to find a valid set of tokens the annotation likely corresponds to. :param start: index of token start :param end: index of token end :param label: :param span: :param doc: :return: """ greedy_searched_span = doc.char_span(start, end) if greedy_searched_span is not None: return greedy_searched_span greedy_searched_span = doc.char_span(start, end-1) #annotation may have extended over an ending blank space if greedy_searched_span is not None: return greedy_searched_span #No clue - increase boundaries incrementally until a valid span is found. i = 0 while greedy_searched_span is None and i <= 20: if i % 2 == 0: end += 1 else: start-=1 i+=1 greedy_searched_span = doc.char_span(start, end) return greedy_searched_span
def __call__(self, doc): nlp = self.nlp if hasattr(doc._, 'file_name'): logging.debug("%s: Called GoldAnnotator Component", doc._.file_name) if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: #print document tokenization for token in doc: logging.debug(str(token)) #check if gold annotation file path has been set. if not hasattr(doc._, 'gold_annotation_file'): raise ValueError("No extension doc._.gold_annotation_file is present.") gold_annotations = Annotations(doc._.gold_annotation_file, annotation_type='ann') # for label in set([label for _,_,label in [gold['entities'][key] for key in gold['entities']]]): # for token in doc: # print(token.text, token.idx) for e_label, e_start, e_end, _ in gold_annotations.get_entity_annotations(): #print(e_label, e_start, e_end) if e_start > e_end: logging.critical("%s: Broken annotation - start is greater than end: (%i,%i,%s)",doc._.file_name, e_start, e_end, e_label) continue span = doc.char_span(e_start, e_end) if span is None: self.failed_overlay_count += 1 self.failed_identifying_span_count += 1 logging.warning("%s: Number of failed annotation overlays with current tokenizer: %i (%i,%i,%s)", doc._.file_name, self.failed_overlay_count, e_start, e_end, e_label) fixed_span = self.find_span(e_start, e_end, e_label, span, doc) if fixed_span is not None: if span is None: logging.warning("%s: Fixed span (%i,%i,%s) into: %s", doc._.file_name, e_start, e_end, e_label,fixed_span.text) self.failed_identifying_span_count -= 1 for token in fixed_span: if e_label in self.labels or not self.labels: token._.set('gold_label', e_label) else: #annotation was not able to be fixed, it will be ignored - this is bad in evaluation. logging.warning("%s: Could not fix annotation: (%i,%i,%s)",doc._.file_name, e_start, e_end, e_label) logging.warning("%s: Total Failed Annotations: %i", doc._.file_name, self.failed_identifying_span_count) if self.failed_overlay_count > .3*gold_annotations.get_entity_count() : logging.warning("%s: Annotations may mis-aligned as more than 30 percent failed to overlay: %s", doc._.file_name, doc._.gold_annotation_file) return doc