Source code for medacy.model.model

A medaCy named entity recognition model wraps together three functionalities

import logging, os, joblib, time, importlib
from import Dataset
from .stratified_k_fold import SequenceStratifiedKFold
from medacy.pipelines.base.base_pipeline import BasePipeline
from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool, cpu_count
from ._model import predict_document
from sklearn_crfsuite import metrics
from tabulate import tabulate
from statistics import mean

[docs]class Model: def __init__(self, medacy_pipeline=None, model=None, n_jobs=cpu_count()): assert isinstance(medacy_pipeline, BasePipeline), "Pipeline must be a medaCy pipeline that interfaces medacy.pipelines.base.BasePipeline" self.pipeline = medacy_pipeline self.model = model # These arrays will store the sequences of features and sequences of corresponding labels self.X_data = [] self.y_data = [] self.n_jobs = n_jobs #Run an initializing document through the pipeline to register all token extensions. #This allows the gathering of pipeline information prior to fitting with live data. doc = self.pipeline(medacy_pipeline.spacy_pipeline.make_doc("Initialize"), predict=True) assert doc is not None, "Model could not be initialized with the set pipeline"
[docs] def fit(self, dataset): """ Runs dataset through the designated pipeline, extracts features, and fits a conditional random field. :param training_data_loader: Instance of Dataset. :return model: a trained instance of a sklearn_crfsuite.CRF model. """ assert isinstance(dataset, Dataset), "Must pass in an instance of Dataset containing your training files" assert isinstance(self.pipeline, BasePipeline), "Model object must contain a medacy pipeline to pre-process data" pool = Pool(nodes = self.n_jobs) results = [pool.apipe(self._extract_features, data_file, self.pipeline, dataset.is_metamapped()) for data_file in dataset.get_data_files()] while any([i.ready() == False for i in results]): time.sleep(1) for idx, i in enumerate(results): X,y = i.get() self.X_data+=X self.y_data+=y"Currently Waiting") learner_name, learner = self.pipeline.get_learner()"Training: %s", learner_name) assert self.X_data, "Training data is empty.", self.y_data)"Successfully Trained: %s", learner_name) self.model = learner return self.model
[docs] def predict(self, dataset, prediction_directory = None): """ :param documents: a string or Dataset to predict :param prediction_directory: the directory to write predictions if doing bulk prediction (default: */prediction* sub-directory of Dataset) :return: """ assert isinstance(dataset, Dataset) or isinstance(dataset, str), "Must pass in an instance of Dataset containing your examples to be used for prediction" assert self.model is not None, "Must fit or load a pickled model before predicting" model = self.model medacy_pipeline = self.pipeline if isinstance(dataset, Dataset): # create directory to write predictions to if prediction_directory is None: prediction_directory = dataset.data_directory + "/predictions/" if os.path.isdir(prediction_directory): logging.warning("Overwritting existing predictions") else: os.makedirs(prediction_directory) for data_file in dataset.get_data_files():"Predicting file: %s", data_file.file_name) with open(data_file.raw_path, 'r') as raw_text: doc = medacy_pipeline.spacy_pipeline.make_doc( doc.set_extension('file_name', default=data_file.file_name, force=True) if data_file.metamapped_path is not None: doc.set_extension('metamapped_file', default=data_file.metamapped_path, force=True) # run through the pipeline doc = medacy_pipeline(doc, predict=True) annotations = predict_document(model, doc, medacy_pipeline) logging.debug("Writing to: %s", os.path.join(prediction_directory,data_file.file_name+".ann")) annotations.to_ann(write_location=os.path.join(prediction_directory,data_file.file_name+".ann")) if isinstance(dataset, str): assert 'metamap_annotator' not in self.pipeline.get_components(), \ "Cannot currently predict on the fly when metamap_component is in pipeline." doc = medacy_pipeline.spacy_pipeline.make_doc(dataset) doc.set_extension('file_name', default="STRING_INPUT", force=True) doc = medacy_pipeline(doc, predict=True) annotations = predict_document(model, doc, medacy_pipeline) return annotations
[docs] def cross_validate(self, num_folds=10): """ Performs k-fold stratified cross-validation using our model and pipeline. :param num_folds: number of folds to split training data into for cross validation :return: Prints out performance metrics """ assert num_folds > 1, "Number of folds for cross validation must be greater than 1" assert self.model is not None, "Cannot cross validate a un-fit model" assert self.X_data is not None and self.y_data is not None, \ "Must have features and labels extracted for cross validation" X_data = self.X_data Y_data = self.y_data medacy_pipeline = self.pipeline cv = SequenceStratifiedKFold(folds=num_folds) named_entities = medacy_pipeline.entities evaluation_statistics = {} fold = 1 for train_indices, test_indices in cv(X_data, Y_data): fold_statistics = {} learner_name, learner = medacy_pipeline.get_learner() X_train = [X_data[index] for index in train_indices] y_train = [Y_data[index] for index in train_indices] X_test = [X_data[index] for index in test_indices] y_test = [Y_data[index] for index in test_indices]"Training Fold %i", fold), y_train) y_pred = learner.predict(X_test) for label in named_entities: fold_statistics[label] = {} recall = metrics.flat_recall_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted', labels=[label]) precision = metrics.flat_precision_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted', labels=[label]) f1 = metrics.flat_f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted', labels=[label]) fold_statistics[label]['precision'] = precision fold_statistics[label]['recall'] = recall fold_statistics[label]['f1'] = f1 # add averages fold_statistics['system'] = {} recall = metrics.flat_recall_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted', labels=named_entities) precision = metrics.flat_precision_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted', labels=named_entities) f1 = metrics.flat_f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted', labels=named_entities) fold_statistics['system']['precision'] = precision fold_statistics['system']['recall'] = recall fold_statistics['system']['f1'] = f1 evaluation_statistics[fold] = fold_statistics fold += 1 statistics_all_folds = {} for label in named_entities + ['system']: statistics_all_folds[label] = {} statistics_all_folds[label]['precision_average'] = mean( [evaluation_statistics[fold][label]['precision'] for fold in evaluation_statistics]) statistics_all_folds[label]['precision_max'] = max( [evaluation_statistics[fold][label]['precision'] for fold in evaluation_statistics]) statistics_all_folds[label]['precision_min'] = min( [evaluation_statistics[fold][label]['precision'] for fold in evaluation_statistics]) statistics_all_folds[label]['recall_average'] = mean( [evaluation_statistics[fold][label]['recall'] for fold in evaluation_statistics]) statistics_all_folds[label]['recall_max'] = max( [evaluation_statistics[fold][label]['recall'] for fold in evaluation_statistics]) statistics_all_folds[label]['recall_min'] = min( [evaluation_statistics[fold][label]['recall'] for fold in evaluation_statistics]) statistics_all_folds[label]['f1_average'] = mean( [evaluation_statistics[fold][label]['f1'] for fold in evaluation_statistics]) statistics_all_folds[label]['f1_max'] = max( [evaluation_statistics[fold][label]['f1'] for fold in evaluation_statistics]) statistics_all_folds[label]['f1_min'] = min( [evaluation_statistics[fold][label]['f1'] for fold in evaluation_statistics]) table_data = [[label, format(statistics_all_folds[label]['precision_average'], ".3f"), format(statistics_all_folds[label]['recall_average'], ".3f"), format(statistics_all_folds[label]['f1_average'], ".3f"), format(statistics_all_folds[label]['f1_min'], ".3f"), format(statistics_all_folds[label]['f1_max'], ".3f")] for label in named_entities + ['system']]"\n"+tabulate(table_data, headers=['Entity', 'Precision', 'Recall', 'F1', 'F1_Min', 'F1_Max'], tablefmt='orgtbl'))
[docs] def _extract_features(self, data_file, medacy_pipeline, is_metamapped): """ A multi-processed method for extracting features from a given DataFile instance. :param conn: pipe to pass back data to parent process :param data_file: an instance of DataFile :return: Updates queue with features for this given file. """ nlp = medacy_pipeline.spacy_pipeline feature_extractor = medacy_pipeline.get_feature_extractor()"Processing file: %s", data_file.file_name) with open(data_file.raw_path, 'r') as raw_text: doc = nlp.make_doc( # Link ann_path to doc doc.set_extension('gold_annotation_file', default=data_file.ann_path, force=True) doc.set_extension('file_name', default=data_file.file_name, force=True) # Link metamapped file to doc for use in MetamapComponent if exists if is_metamapped: doc.set_extension('metamapped_file', default=data_file.metamapped_path, force=True) # run 'er through doc = medacy_pipeline(doc) # print() # print("Training on") # for token in doc: # print(token, token._.feature_is_mass_unit, token.like_num, token._.feature_is_measurement, # token._.gold_label) # print() # The document has now been run through the pipeline. All annotations are overlayed - pull features. features, labels = feature_extractor(doc)"%s: Feature Extraction Completed (num_sequences=%i)" % (data_file.file_name, len(labels))) return features, labels
[docs] def load(self, path): """ Loads a pickled model. :param path: File path to directory where fitted model should be dumped :return: """ self.model = joblib.load(path)
[docs] def dump(self, path): """ Dumps a model into a pickle file :param path: Directory path to dump the model :return: """ assert self.model is not None, "Must fit model before dumping." joblib.dump(self.model, path)
[docs] def get_info(self, return_dict=False): """ Retrieves information about a Model including details about the feature extraction pipeline, features utilized, and learning model. :param return_dict: Returns a raw dictionary of information as opposed to a formatted string :return: Returns structured information """ pipeline_information = self.pipeline.get_pipeline_information() feature_extractor = self.pipeline.get_feature_extractor() #TODO include tokenizer pipeline_information['feature_extraction'] = {} pipeline_information['feature_extraction']['medacy_features'] = feature_extractor.all_custom_features pipeline_information['feature_extraction']['spacy_features'] = feature_extractor.spacy_features pipeline_information['feature_extraction']['window_size'] = feature_extractor.window_size if return_dict: return pipeline_information text = ["Pipeline Name: %s" % pipeline_information['pipeline_name'], "Learner Name: %s" % pipeline_information['learner_name'], "Pipeline Description: %s" % pipeline_information['description'], "Pipeline Components: [%s]" % ",".join(pipeline_information['components']), "Spacy Features: [%s]" % ", ".join(pipeline_information['feature_extraction']['spacy_features']), "Medacy Features: [%s]" % ", ".join(pipeline_information['feature_extraction']['medacy_features']).replace('feature_', ''), "Window Size: (+-) %i" % pipeline_information['feature_extraction']['window_size'] ] return "\n".join(text)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_external(package_name): """ Loads an external medaCy compatible Model. Require's the models package to be installed Alternatively, you can import the package directly and call it's .load() method. :param package_name: the package name of the model :return: an instance of Model that is configured and loaded - ready for prediction. """ if importlib.util.find_spec(package_name) is None: raise ImportError("Package not installed: %s" % package_name) return importlib.import_module(package_name).load()
def __str__(self): return self.get_info()